Title: “Waiting in Line: Social Reflections through the Lens of Thatcher and Contemporary Austerity

 Medium: Air drying clay and computer filter 

Year: 2023

The phrase "wait[ed] in line" evoked a sense of anticipation, encapsulating a collective experience that spoke volumes about societal struggles and the weight of political climates. In analyzing the impact of the Thatcher era alongside the austerity measures implemented from 2010 to 2024 under the Tory government.




In the 1980s, under Margaret Thatcher's leadership, the United Kingdom faced tumultuous social and economic upheaval. The conservative policies of deregulation and privatization marginalized many citizens, perpetuating a divide between the wealthy elite and the working class. This chasm engendered a disillusionment that resonated deeply with the populace; phrases labeling people as ‘working class’ often felt reductive and dismissive. While some found pride in their working-class identity, and others viewed it as a stigma—a label that kept them anchored at the bottom of the socio-economic ladder. The Pet Shop Boys’ iconic song released in 1987 encapsulated this sentiment, reflecting the urgent frustrations and desires for change swirling within a society.



As we transitioned to the years 2010-2024, the reemergence of austerity under the Tory government brought forward it's own challenges. Harsh budget cuts and reductions to essential public services which drastically impacted millions, compounding existing inequalities. This era did not only reignite issues surrounding economic hardship but also stirred culture wars, particularly over matters like transgender rights, race and class discrimination, immigration, and other minority groups. 



In conclusion,  Their stories reflect a tapestry of resilience, underscoring the belief that while lines can symbolize barriers, they can also represent solidarity and shared hope for a better future. The act of waiting itself becomes a powerful testament to the endurance of the human spirit amidst adversity, hinting at the possibility of change and the collective yearning for a more just society.